
In this blog I'm going to talk about recycling ...

Recycling is a method to reuse materials of different things, so you give a new life so many things that you was could throw it away.

¿It’s necessary? Totally yes. World is contaminated so many ways, potable water, air, land, rivers, lakes, sea, etc. We can change this, one of ways is recycling. Though it's a little action, it's a good beginning.

However, process of every material is different, so there need six dumps: glass, plastic, aluminum, paper, toxic (less used) and organic. 

In Chile isn't normal use this dumps, normally have a big dump for everything. For this there are people that job separating trash. It's wrong! If we separating garbash, this people no have make this job more. Our country is bad to recycling and with the enviroment in general. However our pressident talked in the ONU and he received a recognition, ha, ha (Something be wrong). 

Recycling is a easy method to contributed to our world. 
You can try, we can try!


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